Do your business development tactics need a refresh?
Are you frustrated with cold calling and looking for new tactics?
Is your BD work focused?
Are you professionally persistent with your graded prospects?
Would you like some help developing ideas to retain and attract the best talent for your team?
Would you like some input with change management?
Is your risk management as good as it needs to be?
Would you welcome support determining your appetite to risks?
Do you need some advice on creating value in your business with blue line measures?
Or some support with business planning?
'help for growing businesses'
As part of the individual review of your business we can examine specific issues or undertake a more comprehensive review that is likely to include the following areas:
Can we help with your funding requirements?
Are your finances geared up for growth or do you always seem to be running on empty?
Can we help define your leadership style?
In your business who coaches the coach?
Would you like some guidance on developing your purpose, vision and values?
We aim to help our clients develop and implement plans in the areas outlined above. We are flexible in our approach and there are no contracts. Our rates are available upon request and we are happy to try and tailor our services to fit your budget.